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St.Mary The Virgin Ewell Parish Church

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War memorial

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The war memorial from the front The parish war memorial is situated away from the church to the south east and can be reached by a gravel footpath through the churchyard. It carries the following inscription

"To the glory of God
and in memory of
the men of Ewell
who died for their
1914 - 1918                 1939 - 1945"

The names are inscribed on two sides:


    William Ayling
    George Edward Baker
    Frank John Benger
    William Joseph Benger
    Percy Thomas Blanchett
    Edward Talbot Bowman
    Frederick Charles Brook
    George Henry Warner Budd
    Hugh Ernest Butcher
    William Henry Channell
    James Childs
    John William Church
    Edward Clark
    Cyril Stephen Clark
    Robert Clark
    Richard Brinsley Cook
    Henry John Cook
    William Charles Cook
    Ernest Cooper
    William Elson
    Cecil Faber
    Thomas William Fenner
    Percy Garman
    George Gaunt
    John Gladman
    Albert Edward Glover
    William Godden
    Sydney Goodship
    Charles Daniel Goodship
    John Latham Hampton
    Walter Hampton
    William Richard Harlow
    William Abraham Harman
    Edward George Hemming
    Malcolm Leslie Higgins
    William Hodgson
    Alfred Charles Imber
    George Albert Jones
    Charles Ernest Larby
    Frederick Charles Long
    John Martin Mace

    Isaac Mason
    Dennis Milnes
    Alfred George Muspratt
    Edwin Thomas Neville
    Victor Harold Newman
    John Addison Oldridge
    Albert Edward Parker
    Frederick Parker
    Ernest John Pearce
    Frederick Oliver Pearson
    Henry Lowe Penson
    James William Petchey
    James Edward Peters
    Henry William Poplett
    Edmund Powell
    Edward Gwinn Powley
    Henry Corner Peynard
    William Roote
    George Henry Savage
    Julius Murray Scott
    George Henry Searle
    William Smith
    Walter Snook
    Henry Sparrow
    William George Stripp
    Hedley Mackney Sutton
    Albert Edward Sycamore
    John Tester
    William Thomas Tinker
    George Henry Gwilliam Tomsett
    Albert Joseph Henry Tuppen
    Phillip Joseph Walker
    Urbane William Ward
    Thomas Edward Warr
    George Whiskerd
    Henry Edward Williams
    Ernest Willis
    Raymond Willis
    Charles Wimhurst
    Robert Leslie Wood
    Alfred George Young

    The war memorial from the side