A Day for All – Photo Competition Entry Details

  • The theme of the photo competition is ‘Bells’. Possible topics for your photos include school bells, church bells, music bells, clocks and flowers. Use your imagination. What can you think of involving bells?
  • You can submit up to two photos taken by you.
  • Use your name as the photo file name and add a number (1-2 with 1 being your top entry) if you are entering more than one photo.
  • Just your first entry will be used if there is a large number of entries.
  • Please email your photo(s) in jpg format to adayforall@stmarysewell.com. We suggest photos with 1200-1600 pixels on the longer side.
  • Please state which category you are entering, either ‘12 years and under’ or ‘13 years and above’ and include your name and a contact telephone number. If you are under 18, the entry must be submitted by your parent or guardian who should also give their name, contact telephone and confirm that they give permission for you to enter the competition in accordance with the notes below.
  • The deadline for entries is 23.59 hours on 24 September. Late entries will not be considered.


  • By entering the competition you confirm that you own the copyright of each entry you submit.
  • By entering this competition you agree to:
    o St Mary’s producing a display of your photos which will be shown with the other entries on the display screens at St Mary’s Church during the ‘A Day for All’ event on 30 September.
    o The winners’ names (the first three places in each class) and their winning photos being displayed in church, on the church website, in the church magazine Ewell Parish News and on social media.
  • The winners will be chosen by votes from those attending the ‘A Day for All’ event and the results announced at about 4pm.
    Your personal details and photos will only be used for the administration of the event, and with the exception of the public display of the names and photos from the winners, will then be destroyed.
  • Our data privacy notice can be downloaded from our website: www.stmarysewell.com

If you have any queries please email adayforall@stmarysewell.com
St Mary’s Church Ewell is a registered charity number 1128409.