• Recent Events

    Rain doesn’t stop play at St Mary’s

    The annual garden party held in the Vicarage garden had to be relocated in June 2014 because of heavy rain. But the rain didn’t stop us from having a good time. Thanks to the hard work and adaptability of the church Social Committee, a wonderful and happy event was held in the church hall instead.

  • Recent Events

    All creatures great and small 2014

    Once a year our monthly all-age service “Praise@11” takes the theme of “All creatures great and small”, to which family pets are especially invited. This year, we were privileged at the service to have as our guest preacher the Revd Professor Martin Henig, an archaeologist, priest, and Vice-President of the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals. Professor Henig’s sermon explained to us how our love of companion animals could raise our awareness of wider animal welfare issues. At the end of the service, the Professor gave each of the pets a special, personalised blessing.

  • Recent Events

    Installation of new sound system

    Thanks to the generosity of many people in our church, our local community, and charitable grants, we were able to complete phase 1 of our sound system installation in June 2014. New microphones, speakers, amplifier and signal processing, and cabling gives us a much better and more up-to-date sound system for services and other events in church.

  • Recent Events

    “Popular Tunes” recital

    This month’s recital was a little bit different. Our Director of Music Jonathan Holmes began by playing some of the all-time favourites from the organ repertoire. The evening concluded with a sing-along, led by the St Mary’s Singers in their concert debut. There was an excellent turn-out for this evening: so watch this space for future recitals with a twist!

  • News

    Join our church Electoral Roll

    Our church Electoral Roll is the nearest thing a Church of England church has to a membership list. If you are over 16 and baptized (christened), and either a regular worshipper or resident in the parish, please consider joining our roll if you haven’t already. You can download the form below. Only those whose names are on the Roll are entitled to take part in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 27 April so please if you are not on the roll, submit an application form by 9 April when the Roll has to close until after the APCM.

  • News

    Information about faculty petitions

    St Mary’s PCC is petitioning for permission (a “faculty”) for two projects. The first is our sound and vision project. We are applying for permission for both phases (sound and vision) now, and we hope to implement the sound system in the next few months. The second phase will require further fundraising. The second project is a revamp to the parish room, for which a facelift is long overdue. Full information about these projects is contained in the attached downloads.

  • News

    Sound System Appeal: update

    On Monday 27 January 2014, St Mary’s parochial church council was presented with our sound team’s favoured plans for our new sound system. We have done a great deal of research and experimentation and believe we now have the best design proposed. The PCC agreed that the scheme should now be sent to the Guildford Diocese’s relevant committees so that, we hope, permission to proceed can be granted. If all goes smoothly, we hope that work will begin on phase 1– the sound side of the project– soon after Easter. We are also applying at the same time for permissions for phase 2– the projection and multimedia components– though this…