• News

    Join St Mary’s Electoral Roll

    Please consider joining our electoral roll (which is the nearest thing a C of E church has to a membership list). The roll allows you to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and vote in its proceedings (and extraordinary meetings). It is open to parishioners and regular worshippers over 16 who have been baptized and are happy to sign up to its provisions. Full details are on the form. In order to join in time for this year’s APCM on 29 April, forms must be returned to the Parish Office by 12 April.

  • Pentecost Family Nature Trail

    Services for Holy Week and Easter 2018

    Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on 25 March. At the 9:30am Eucharist we start outside the church (if fine) for the blessing of palms. There is no sermon, but the dramatic Passion gospel is read. At 11:15am there is a service of Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism. The parish choir are giving a free concert at 5:30pm, including Stainer’s Crucifixion and other anthems and choral pieces. There is no set charge, but donations will be gratefully received on the evening in aid of the parish choir’s forthcoming trips to sing at Portsmouth and Chichester cathedrals. There are simple services of Holy Communion on Monday 26 at 7:30pm, on Tuesday…

  • News

    No bell-ringing until further notice

    We recently discovered two broken girders in the bell-tower, so unfortunately no bell-ringing can take place at church until they can fixed by a specialist bell foundry (for reasons of health and safety and to avoid further damage to the bell frames). Watch this space for more news: bell-ringing will start again as soon as the repairs can be made.

  • Recent Events

    Garden Party 2017

    Yet again, the Garden Party was rained off, but that didn’t stop the fun as we moved to the church hall. Many thanks to all involved, and especially to the Social Committee for providing a splendid afternoon tea.

  • Recent Events

    Confirmations 2017

    In June 2017, the Bishop of Guildford held a confirmation service at Christ Church, Epsom Common, and six adult candidates from St Mary’s were confirmed, along with candidates from other local churches. If you would like to discuss confirmation for adults or children, or would like to find out more about the Christian faith through our Pilgrim courses, please do be in touch.

  • Recent Events

    Mayhem 2017

    St Mary’s celebrated the month of May with “Mayhem”– a parish dinner. Many thanks to all those who made the food, served at the tables, helped behind the scenes, and provided the musical entertainment and quiz.