• Recent Events

    Parish Picnic 2015

    On Sunday 5 July, our annual parish picnic took place in Glyn House grounds, kindly facilitated by Ewell Castle School. Churchgoers of all ages enjoyed a bring-and-share picnic and beautiful weather, while the children played various outdoor games.

  • Recent Events

    Lord Dannatt’s lecture

    On Wednesday 10 June 2015, the second St Mary’s Annual Lecture took place in church, and we were privileged to welcome as our lecturer General Lord Dannatt,  former Chief of the General Staff (that is, head of the Army), and Vice-President of the Armed Forces Christian Union. Lord Dannatt spoke about leadership, and especially about the importance of faith and spiritual matters in leading. After his inspiring lecture, Lord Dannatt was good enough to answer a number of questions, which ranged from political to spiritual matters. We are most grateful to Lord Dannatt for coming to address St Mary’s.  

  • Recent Events

    Spring Market 2015

    The Spring Market is an annual event at St Mary’s church in which we sell plants, cakes, books, and bric-a-brac, and hold a cafe and raffle. The money raised acts as the float for us to put on the Ewell Village Fair. This year’s total was a wonderful £818. Many thanks to all those involved.

  • Recent Events

    A Comedy of Errors

    On Saturday 25 April 2015, the Social Committee of St Mary’s put on “A Comedy of Errors”. This parish dinner — with Shakespeare-themed entertainment — was a great success. Marvellous food, good company, and great entertainment.

  • News

    Cafe NESCOT starts again for the new term

    Cafe NESCOT starts up again on Tuesday 14 April 2015. On Tuesdays in term time, students from NESCOT are serving simple lunches in our church hall (London Road, opposite the church), between 12 and 2pm. Soup, sandwiches, salad, and cakes, with tea, coffee, and soft drink. Everyone welcome. Do drop in!

  • News

    Electoral Roll (Membership forms)

    The Electoral Roll is the Church of England’s equivalent to a membership list. If you are over 16 and baptized (christened) please consider joining our roll if you haven’t already. Forms for enrolment are available at the back of the church, or can be downloaded below. Only those whose names are on the Roll are entitled to take part in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (on Sunday 12 April at 11am) so please check whether you are on the roll or submit an application form by Thursday 26 March when the Roll has to close until after the APCM. (Please note the electoral roll is separate from the Parish Directory.)

  • Recent Events

    Blessing of the Parish Room

    On Sunday 15 February, we welcomed the Archdeacon of Dorking, the Ven. Paul Bryer, who preached at the 9:30am service, and blessed our newly-refurbished parish room. Many thanks were expressed for all who made it possible through donations and through hard work and talent, and we prayed for all who will use the room for years to come. Later on in the day, many of our Toddle Up! congregation enjoyed a splendid lunch in the church hall, and the day was rounded off by Choral Evensong sung by the parish choir. It was good to see over two hundred people in church today across our four very different services.