• News

    Giving to Support St. Mary’s- campaign Follow Up

    On 26 June 2016 Nigel Bird gave the following report on the progress of our giving campaign: Just over one month ago I was privileged to stand here and tell you all about our ‘Giving to Support St. Mary’s’ campaign. The launch was well attended and the response to the campaign has exceeded our hopes. 60 households – some individuals, some families – responded. 34 of these were already using one of the methods of planned giving and 26 are new to the planned giving scheme, and are going to give using one of the four methods (parish giving scheme, standing orders, weekly envelopes, or monthly envelopes). During the launch…

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    Advent Calendar Treasure Hunt

    A Christmas countdown with a difference will begin on Tuesday 1 December as Ewell’s community unites for the village’s Advent Calendar Treasure Hunt. Full details in the press release below: St Mary’s is number 24 in the treasure Hunt, and our ‘clue’ is on the main church notice board. If you haven’t taken your answer to ‘All things nice’ in the High Street by 19th December, you can hand it in at the church before 2.15pm on Christmas Eve and it will go in the draw.

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    Cafe NESCOT starts again for the new term

    Cafe NESCOT starts up again on Tuesday 14 April 2015. On Tuesdays in term time, students from NESCOT are serving simple lunches in our church hall (London Road, opposite the church), between 12 and 2pm. Soup, sandwiches, salad, and cakes, with tea, coffee, and soft drink. Everyone welcome. Do drop in!

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    Electoral Roll (Membership forms)

    The Electoral Roll is the Church of England’s equivalent to a membership list. If you are over 16 and baptized (christened) please consider joining our roll if you haven’t already. Forms for enrolment are available at the back of the church, or can be downloaded below. Only those whose names are on the Roll are entitled to take part in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (on Sunday 12 April at 11am) so please check whether you are on the roll or submit an application form by Thursday 26 March when the Roll has to close until after the APCM. (Please note the electoral roll is separate from the Parish Directory.)

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    Adult Confirmation Groups starting in January

    Are you interested in finding out more about the Christian faith? The Vicar will be starting one or two informal groups in the New Year, especially for those adults considering confirmation in the Church of England– all are welcome even if you aren’t sure you want to be confirmed. No previous knowledge assumed, open to all– it’s a chance to ask all those questions you’ve been wondering about for years! Contact our Vicar through this website or by phone on 0208 393 1297 to find out more. If there is enough demand we will run a daytime and an evening group. We hope to put on some children’s activities simultaneously,…

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    Merry Christmas

    Very many thanks to all who made our Christmas services such a wonderful celebration: Sidesmen, servers, choir, and everyone else who contributed to our worship. We welcomed over a thousand people through our doors in the school services we hosted, and another thousand in our own parish Christmas services. Merry Christmas to one and all!

  • News

    Christmas Services 2014

    You are very welcome to attend our Advent and Christmas services. Sunday 30 November – Advent Sunday: 11am All-age service “Countdown to Christmas”. We are welcoming performing arts students from NESCOT who will be leading this service. Saturday 13 December: Children’s Christmas fun day. Find out more. Sunday 14 December: 5:30pm Nine Lessons and Carols. This is a choral celebration with traditional carols. Wednesday 24 Dec – Christmas Eve: 2:30pm & 4:00pm The Arrival at Bethlehem. Once again, we’re holding our family crib service twice on Christmas Eve. We tell the Christmas story and sing familiar carols. A favourite with kids. 11:45pm Midnight Mass. An atmospheric service with Christmas carols,…