• News

    A Living Advent Calendar for 2014

    There will be fun each day at 3.30pm from 1st to 23rd December as children and adults see ‘the display of the day’ revealed in a shop in Ewell Village High Street or, on 14th December at Christ Church, and on 24th December at St Mary’s Church. The exciting new venture is the result of collaboration between St Mary’s Church, Ewell Village Traders’ Association and Ewell Village Residents’ Association, who have spent three months working on the idea of the calendar. The shops and church displays are created around 24 numbers designed by pupils at St Martin’s Junior School, Epsom. Here is where you’ll find the display revealed at 3.30pm…

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    Operation Christmas Child a great success!

    A very big thank you to everyone who has taken part in this year’s Operation Christmas Child. Many different community groups joined us in this venture and you will be delighted to hear that we were able to send off 192 shoe box gifts, which will go to children in need around the world. The boxes were collected on Friday, Nov. 21st and taken to a collecting point near Guildford, where they will be checked and put into large crates ready for their onward journey. In the coming weeks, do pray that our gifts will reach their destinations safely and pray for the children and their families who will eventually…

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    St Mary’s Annual Charity Gift Day

    This year we are supporting the charity Latin Link. It is through Latin Link that Richard White, a member of St Mary’s, is currently in Bolivia. Once he has learnt the language he will be working mainly on two projects ‘Restoring Hope and ‘Angel Tree’. On 23rd November there will be a gift envelope offering at all three services for Latin Link, who will channel our donations to these two projects. After the 8am and 9.30am services complimentary refreshments will served as a thank you.

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    Bring your shoebox to church

    St. Mary’s is again supporting Operation Christmas Child. It is an exciting and worthwhile project, providing Christmas gifts for children around the world, and absolutely anyone can join in! Fill a shoebox with gifts for a child who would otherwise receive nothing. You can find out more at http://www.samaritans- purse.org.uk or chat to Linda Staff in church. If you’d like to participate, please fill a shoe box with gifts and wrap it following the instructions on the above website. You can then bring your shoe box to St Mary’s during office opening hours (9:30am-12noon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) or on Saturday 8 November 10am-12noon or Saturday 15 November 10am-12noon.

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    Join our church Electoral Roll

    Our church Electoral Roll is the nearest thing a Church of England church has to a membership list. If you are over 16 and baptized (christened), and either a regular worshipper or resident in the parish, please consider joining our roll if you haven’t already. You can download the form below. Only those whose names are on the Roll are entitled to take part in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 27 April so please if you are not on the roll, submit an application form by 9 April when the Roll has to close until after the APCM.

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    Information about faculty petitions

    St Mary’s PCC is petitioning for permission (a “faculty”) for two projects. The first is our sound and vision project. We are applying for permission for both phases (sound and vision) now, and we hope to implement the sound system in the next few months. The second phase will require further fundraising. The second project is a revamp to the parish room, for which a facelift is long overdue. Full information about these projects is contained in the attached downloads.

  • News

    Sound System Appeal: update

    On Monday 27 January 2014, St Mary’s parochial church council was presented with our sound team’s favoured plans for our new sound system. We have done a great deal of research and experimentation and believe we now have the best design proposed. The PCC agreed that the scheme should now be sent to the Guildford Diocese’s relevant committees so that, we hope, permission to proceed can be granted. If all goes smoothly, we hope that work will begin on phase 1– the sound side of the project– soon after Easter. We are also applying at the same time for permissions for phase 2– the projection and multimedia components– though this…

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    Children’s Spring Fun Day 2014

      Fed up with the cold winter? Come and celebrate the coming of Spring at St. Mary’s through a day of craft, games, music and drama. Spring into Spring with us! The fun day will be for children aged around 5 to 11 with many activities and games. It will start at 11am and finish at 3pm. There will be a drink and short service at 2.30pm to which parents, etc. are invited. Please bring and collect your children to and from the church, making sure they have been marked off on the register and given a name badge before leaving them. They will need to bring a packed lunch…