• News

    Holy Week and Easter Services 2013

    HOLY WEEK SERVICES 25 March, Holy Monday: 9am Morning Prayer. 26 March, Holy Tuesday: 9am Morning Prayer. 10am Holy Communion (parish room). 27 March, Holy Wednesday: 9am Morning Prayer. 11:40am Litany. 12noon Holy Communion (BCP). 28 March, Maundy Thursday: 8pm Liturgy of the Last Supper (Followed by a watch till 11pm. Feel free to come and go during the watch.) 29 March, Good Friday: 11am Children’s Stations of the Cross. The Three Hours’ Devotion (please come to all or a part): 12-2pm Reflections on the Passion – preaching and hymns; 2pm Liturgy of Good Friday – choral with Holy Communion. 30 March, Holy Saturday: 8:30pm Easter Vigil and First Eucharist…

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    Revision of the Electoral Roll

    The church electoral roll is the nearest thing to an official ‘membership list’ of every parish church in the Church of England. It determines who can legally vote at the Annual Parish Meeting, and the statistics compiled from it give an indication of church membership. This year, every church has to draw up a new roll from scratch. So even if you are already on the existing roll you still need to fill in a form this year to stay on the roll. Forms must be returned to the parish office (see our Contact Us page) no later than 18 March for inclusion on the new roll.

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    2 Feb – Quiet Day “Christ our Light”

    ‘Christ our Light’ is the theme of our Quiet Day on Sat 2nd  February. The day is being led by the Rev’d Yvonne Murphy, a friend of Sue Ayling, our Assistant Priest. You will be very welcome to come for all or part of the time.  The day will start at 10am with worship and during the morning there will be a couple of meditations, in which Yvonne will include poetry, prose and music, arranged around a Bible reading.  After lunch there will be another meditation.  The day will draw to a close with a service of Holy Communion at 3.30pm.  Throughout the day there will be a choice of…

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    UPDATED: Answer phone problems

    A change to our phone system on Wednesday 17 October means that any messages left on the answer phone that morning have been lost. We apologize for this– if you left a message during this time and have not heard back, please contact us again. UPDATE: The answer phone in the parish office is not currently working as of 18/Oct/2012: if you are unable to leave a message, please Contact Us using this website. We hope to get this rectified as soon as possible.

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    Children’s Firework Fun Day – Thu 1 Nov

    Thursday 1 November 2012 11am-4pm Come to St. Mary’s for a fun-filled day of arts, crafts and other activities with a firework theme. Make your own rocket to go on our launchers, create music for fireworks and lots more… Please download the letter below, and if you would like to register please download the registration form to fill in. Letter with full information about the Fun Day Registration form

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    Harvest Gifts at St Mary’s

    You can bring your non-perishable Harvest Gifts to any of the services on Sunday 30th (8am Holy Communion, 9:30am Sung Eucharist, 11am All-age service), or at 9:30am on Monday 1 October. We need: Cereal, rice, baked beans, tinned foods of all kinds, tea, coffee, sugar, personal toiletries, and other similar goods. Many thanks to all.

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    Sunday 16 Sep – please note service time!

    On Sunday 16 September there will be, unusually, only one service: a Sung Eucharist at 10am. This will be followed by ‘2013: Turning our vision into reality’– presentations and time for refreshments and discussion between 11am and noon. There will be no other services this Sunday.

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    Office hours, coffee morning etc. 10-14 Sept

    It is planned that the parish office will be open on Tuesday (except during the 10-10.30am service), and Thursday only, i.e. 11 and 13 Sept, 9.30am–12noon. This may change at short notice, without warning, so please ‘phone ahead before coming. The Wednesday coffee morning on 12 September is cancelled for this week. It is planned that Morning Prayer will be said at 9am this week every day Monday-Thursday, but again, this may have to be cancelled at short notice, in which case, apologies in advance.