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    Psalm 23

    1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; 3 he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff— they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of…

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    Vigil and Virtual Book of Condolence

    A Vigil in Commemoration of HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh on Friday 16 April at 5.30pm Alongside the rest of the country, we were saddened at the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. On the eve of his funeral in Windsor, in Guildford Cathedral we will hold a Vigil in Commemoration of His Royal Highness. Join the Dean and other Cathedral Clergy, with music from the Cathedral Choir, prayers and readings from the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey and the High Sheriff of Surrey, and a homily by The Right Reverend Jo Wells, Bishop of Dorking. The service will be live-streamed and all are invited to…

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    Vacancy: Deputy Hall Manager

    A Deputy Hall Manager is required for Ewell Hall (formerly known as St Mary’s Church Hall). Working with the Ewell Hall Manager, the main purpose of the job is to ensure the booking process and facilities provided to hirers are of a high standard, thereby providing an excellent customer experience. Considerable flexibility will be needed dealing with enquiries and visiting the Ewell Hall before and after an event and at various times of day to include evenings and weekends. Some computer and on-line home administrative work will also be necessary. Candidates must have good communication skills, be flexible and have a positive attitude. You may require a Criminal Record Disclosure…

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    A message from the churchwardens

    Following the announcement that Russell will be leaving St Mary’s in April, you are aware that we have had an on-line meeting with the Archdeacon to set out the process for appointing a new incumbent. The PCC, together with other key members of the team at St Mary’s, will be having an on-line meeting with Danny Wignall, the Mission Enabler from the Diocese, on Sunday 28th March. The purpose of this meeting is to review the hopes and aspirations of St Mary’s leading to agreeing our Parish Profile and Statement of Need, which will be the key documents for attracting a new incumbent with the necessary qualities for St Mary’s…

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    Videos and Livestreaming

    We are glad we are now able to livestream our church services. We want to reassure everyone that when we livestream or make videos we consider very carefully privacy, data protection, and safeguarding. If you have any concerns or questions, please do get in touch with us, or talk to a welcomer at a service or event. You can read our privacy policy HERE. At the same time, we would like to remind other people to please not video church events without talking to us and gaining permission. There can be copyright considerations, and also those who for very proper reasons have concerns about videos being taken, published or shared…

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    Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 – 18th to 25th January – “Abiding in Christ”

    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2021 has been prepared by the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland. The theme chosen, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”, is based on John 15:1-17 and expresses Grandchamp Community’s vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the Church and the human family. Hymns can be accessed and heard on the website of the Community of Grandchamp. You can also listen to their common prayer online every day here. You can check our Facebook page daily for a daily bible verse, meditation and prayer.

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    Announcement made 3 January 2021

    Our Vicar, Russell Dewhurst, has made an announcement this weekend: Dear friends, It is being announced this weekend that I will be leaving St Mary’s this April. My last Sunday as Vicar of St Mary’s Ewell will be Easter Day 2021. Elaine, William, and I will be moving to Sussex and I will begin doctoral study and research in the field of ecclesiastical law. I am excited by the prospect of what I will be doing, but I will also be very sad to be leaving this fantastic parish. This is the place we moved to when we were just married, where my son has been born, and where I…