• News,  Thought for the Day

    Ascension Day (Luke 24.44-53)

    Ascension Day falls on Thursday 21st May, and marks the ending of the 40 days following Easter, when the Church joyfully celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead.   The biblical accounts tell of the way the risen Lord revealed himself to his disciples, an experience which changed them from being terrified and demoralised by the horror of Calvary, to being filled with joy and hope.   After the Ascension they will no longer see Jesus, but will await the promised Holy Spirit, who will equip them to share the love, joy, forgiveness and peace of Christ with all people. On Good Friday we read that the final words of Jesus…

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    Epsom and Ewell’s New Mayor

     We are delighted that our Mayor for this coming year is Humphrey Reynolds, joined by Gill, his wife as Lady Mayoress. Our Vicar, Revd Russell Dewhurst, will continue to serve as Mayor’s Chaplain. Humphrey and Gill have been members of St Mary’s Church for a number of years. and Humphrey has served this Borough both as a Local Councillor and School Governor, reflecting his passion for the wellbeing of everyone. It is unfortunate that due to the current restrictions, which are so necessary at this time, Humphrey’s official inauguration as Mayor on Thursday 14th May will take place online rather than in the usual way, but nevertheless Humphrey and Gill know that they have the support of…

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    Annual Report for 2019

    Although we have to postpone our Annual Parochial Church Meeting, we are making available a draft of our annual report now. Click below to download.

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    Easter Collection

    As with most churches and charities, the current situation has hit us hard financially. Thank you to all those whose regular giving continues to support St Mary’s: it is much appreciated. Usually the cash collection on Easter Day is a significant source of income for us. If you would normally make a cash donation, would you consider giving online this Easter weekend? Perhaps you are appreciating the online ministry, or want to support all we are doing in the community, or would like to make a special gift in memory of someone. I know many people are struggling financially at the present time, but if you are able to give,…

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    Lilies of Remembrance

    Thank you to all those who sponsored Easter lilies in memory of departed loved ones. Sadly, we have not been able to arrange any flowers in church this year, but instead we offer this slideshow of lilies from previous years as a means of remembering. All the names have also been remembered by the Vicar at the Eucharist celebrated privately at home. Please click on the image below.

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    Thought for The Day – We Shall Not be Overcome

    It has been suggested that it might be helpful to have the occasional Thought for the Day on the website which can be used for personal reflection during this time of crisis.  The following is the first of these. ‘We shall not be overcome’ is one of the revelations of Julian of Norwich.  The poem ‘Spirit of Affirmation’ is offered as an encouragement to all of us as we continue our journey through Lent, a journey which is increasingly difficult this year.  As each line begins ‘I am …’, it’s worth remembering that in John’s Gospel, which contains all the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus, (I am the way, the…