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Sunday Service at St Mary's

You might be thinking of coming along to one of our Sunday services at St Mary's, but aren't sure what to expect. This page is provided to help you know what goes on during our main Sunday service, in case you are curious: or just turn up one Sunday!

St Mary's main service is the Sung Eucharist and starts at 9.30am. When you go in through the doors church you'll be greeted by the welcomer for the day, given the books you need, and shown where to sit.

There is a Sunday School (which we call 'Children's Hour'). If you have children under 11 who would like to join the Sunday School, they are very welcome, just ask and you'll be shown where to take them. They will come back to join you in the main church before communion. If you have much younger children who would benefit from a cr?che, please ask.

The order of service, marked "Sung Eucharist", contains all the words that the congregation is invited to say throughout the service. This will help you to follow what's going on.

At 9.30am, the organ will strike up. Everyone stands to sing the first hymn: the number is up on the hymn board and also printed in the Weekly Notes. We sing fairly traditional hymns at St Mary's, almost always from the New English Hymnal. We try to go for a balance between familiar old favourites, and a good variety of different hymns to suit the day or the season. (If you read music, do ask for a music hymn book when you are offered books at the beginning. On the other hand, don't worry if you aren't much of a singer, no-one is listening out for you.)

Usually our Vicar, Father Russell Dewhurst, takes the service. He introduces the service, and leads the opening prayers, then we all sit for a reading. We then sing a hymn and listen to another reading.

After the readings there is the sermon. This usually lasts about ten minutes, and most commonly is a "breaking open" of the readings we've just heard to show how they are relevant in our day-to-day lives.

After the sermon, there are prayers of intercession for the church and the world, the sick and the departed. If you would ever like a loved one who is sick or who has died to be included in the prayers at St Mary's, ask Fr Russell or a welcomer, and we will be very glad to include them.

During the next hymn, the priest and servers go up to the altar to prepare for the next part of the service. Also during this hymn, a collection is taken. Don't worry if you don't have anything for the collection, nobody is making notes! When the hymn finishes, the priest begins the great prayer of thanksgiving over the bread and wine. In fact, this is such an important prayer, central to the mass, that part of it is sung by the priest. During this prayer, the priest repeats Jesus' words spoken at the Last Supper.

We then say or sing together the Lord's prayer, in the familiar traditional form, "Our Father, who art in heaven..." After a couple more prayers, everyone is invited to come forward for Holy Communion or a blessing. We usually use two altars and you are welcome at either. The Church of England welcomes all Christians who usually receive Holy Communion in their own church - of whatever tradition - to receive communion with us. If, for any reason, you would like a blessing instead, come forward at the same time. Absolutely everyone is invited to receive a blessing: if you hold a booklet in your hands, it's an added sign that you prefer a blessing, but it isn't necessary.

Most people who come forward for Holy Communion kneel at the altar rail, but you are very welcome to stand if you find kneeling difficult.

After communion, there is another hymn, a prayer, and a final blessing. Sometimes the priest talks to the members of junior church to find out what they've been doing. The priest then gives the dismissal, and the service ends with a final hymn. The service has usually taken just about an hour.

Coffee is available in the Church Hall after the service, and everyone is very welcome to stay behind for a drink if you have a few minutes to spare.

We hope to see you at St Mary's one day soon!