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St.Mary The Virgin Ewell Parish Church

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April In Parish 2008

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April In Parish

I think everybody who attended the above event will agree it was a triumph! From the fine food, as good as you would get from any master chef kitchen to the entertainment!

From an insider perspective I can tell you that the preparation that goes into organising one of these occasions is very time consuming and requires the dedication of a number of unsung heroes in order to pull it off as successfully as was achieved. On the day I was commandeered to assist in the setting up the hall with David Dance to ensure everyone had a seat and that Sue and Lucy (the servers, who should be commended for their hard work) could move comfortably between the tables. With every ticket sold we knew the logistics would be challenging but knowing everyone attending were a friendly bunch the proximity of being cheek by jowl would just add to the atmosphere, which incidentally it did! Meanwhile Rosemarie, Jenny and Kathie worked valiantly to prepare the food for the evenings delectation! The tables were then dressed and Sybil very kindly arranged some elegant table displays.

The three-course meal started with a spinach roulade that had been lovingly prepared by Gilda and Lucy to perfection and tasted as good as it looked. It was followed by mouth-watering chicken pesto parcels served with dauphinois potatoes accompanied by carrots julienne and florets of broccoli. Homemade Pavlova, cheesecake and fresh fruit salad then further enhanced the meal. There were also cheese and biscuits for those who still had room to spare! The food was complemented with a fine Pinot Grigio and a Pinot Noir. It makes you wish you were there doesn't it!

April In Parish - the entertainers

As the conversation flowed between courses we were invited to be entertained by the beautiful voice of Sarah Bradley very ably assisted by Arthur Matthews an uncovered talent who stepped into the breach at short notice and did an excellent job both as the accompanying pianist and stand-up comedian! Sarah, as some of you may recall, used to be head chorister at St. Mary's and she travelled especially from Berkshire to entertain us with a varied repertoire from "April in Paris " to "The Gas Man Cometh". Arthur had St. Mary's Hall seeming like a night at the proms, with banners raised, so that guests could join in on the chorus to "The Money Rolls In" interspersed with the odd joke and ending with a prom favourite "Land of Hope & Glory" which was joined in by everyone. The night's proceedings ended with a table draw for the flower arrangements

April In Parish

Special thanks should also go out to Jonathan Gocher for acting as master of ceremonies, which he delivered in a warm and inviting way, helping the event to be the success.

Post the event we should also thank all those who helped especially the ladies in the kitchen who beaver away in the background and are an essential part of the team for making the evening one to be remembered.

Mike Henson