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The Armchair Garden Party 2008

Armchair Garden Party 2008

In 1815, the volcano Krakatoa exploded and sent out clouds of ashes and dust which circulated all round the globe, blanketing out the sun. The following year, 1816, is sometimes known as ?the year without a summer? because of this. We haven?t had such a major explosion recently but 2008 has felt rather the same.

It was therefore not really a surprise that the day fixed for the second annual Church Garden Party started cold and wet and became colder and wetter. Fortunately our hosts this year, Kathy and Ian Burgess, apart from having a large and attractive garden, also have a pleasant and commodious house, and it was in that the Garden Party was held on 6 September.

As we sat round on the armchairs and sofas, everything was done in proper Garden Party manner. Members of the Social Committee greeted us with welcoming glasses of Pimms or fruit cup. This was followed by trays of delicately cut cucumber sandwiches, which circulated as we chatted and in comfort watched the rain falling outside. Cups of tea accompanied the traditional home-made scones, jam and cream, and we decided that a wet day had compensations after all. Arthur Mathews had brought along his portable organ, and music sheets, and we started to sing well-known ditties from the music-hall days, including some perhaps inappropriate ones. I should add at once, lest there be any misunderstanding or misinterpretation, that some were inappropriate in the sense that a group of Sassenachs were tackling ?I belong to Glasgow?. In this regard, perhaps it was as well that the gathering was indoors ? the residents of Beech Walk might have been somewhat surprised by such vocal renderings had they been in the garden!

Armchair Garden Party 2008

On a more serious note, Promilla Mullen recited a poem which she had recently composed about the nostalgia she feels for her homeland in Pakistan and her native tongue of Urdu. A long-term and much-loved resident of Ewell, a portion of her heart is still in her birthplace in the lofty Himalayas. The poem is worthy of a wider audience and is printed alongside.

As last year, when we had kinder weather for our gathering in Rosemarie and Mike Henson?s garden, the object of the event was simply a social occasion to enable St. Mary?s people to meet and chat informally. As the reader will see, Marion Rao has given us a photographic record of the occasion. The Vicar expressed our thanks to Kathy and Ian Burgess for their hospitality and to members of the Social Committee for their hard work on the catering front in challenging circumstances. As we walked out into the continuing drizzle we agreed that it had been a very successful and enjoyable event.