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St.Mary The Virgin Ewell Parish Church

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"SINNERS OF EWELL" rning was larger than usual? Were the audience expecting startling revelations about others in the locality or were they afraid that their own misdemeanours (or worse) were to be publicly exposed? In either case, they were to be disappointed by the interesting material provided by our wily Vicar.

He began by criticising a far-distant preacher at St Mary's who described sinners as people unlike his congregation - such as criminals and known rogues. In the Vicar's view we were all sinners in some respects, (he didn't actually quote "All alike have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" but this was his theme). This gave him a wide canvas on which to work. He explained that the "Year's Mind" slot in the Communion Service at 9.30 each Sunday recalled people who had died in past years at that particular season. But with the passage of time the list not only grew but included people who were no longer well-known to the current congregation.

He therefore proposed, probably in November, to hold a special service to recall, for a last time, the deceased who were no longer remembered by most of us. Some of us noted that this was a good example of how our Vicar proposes, in his final months in office, to tie up as many loose ends as possible. He then explained to the Coffee Morning that he proposed, to reminisce about some of the names on the current Year's Mind list, starting with those who had died soon after 1 January.

He then spoke in some detail on a few names such as Jack Keyes, the former choirmaster and organist, John Beams, the former Captain of the Tower. His audience were captivated by his lucid and humorous recollections of such people in the life of St Mary's. We were conscious that he knew, and could recall clearly and vividly, the characteristics, virtues and foibles of people whom he clearly still held in high regard. The time passed very quickly and after about half an hour he had only got to mid January when it was time to conclude. His audience clearly wanted to hear more and he has agreed to come back to another Coffee Morning later in the year when more will be revealed. So watch out for this and come long on the Wednesday for another helping of Ewell remembrances.