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CHRISTMAS EVE AT ST MARYinto St Mary?s to hear again the story of the birth of Jesus. Soon the church was full to overflowing with over 350 adults and children ? many of the latter dressed as angels and shepherds ready to join in the action. All eyes turned to the crib and the Christmas tree as the organ struck up ?God rest you merry, gentlemen? and the service began.

First, we saw Mary going about her work and heard the Angel Gabriel tell her that she was to be the mother of Jesus. The junior choir sang for us and then, there was Joseph worrying about what to do and being reassured by the Angel Gabriel. We heard how Mary and Joseph had to go Bethlehem to be registered and how they set off on the long journey.

Mary on Twiglet

Suddenly, everyone heard an unusual noise - - the clip-clop of a horse?s hooves. Heads swivelled round, children stood on pews and gazed towards the West Door. Sure enough, it was Twiglet, led by Joseph, and with Mary on his back he walked down the aisle to the centre of the nave where he stood looking at everyone and munching a carrot! Mary and Joseph had arrived at the inn. We heard how Jesus was laid in a manger and we sang ?In the bleak mid-winter? to welcome him.

Suddenly all the lights went out and it was the turn of the angels and shepherds. They stood on the pews under arc lights whenever they heard themselves mentioned. Thereafter, the junior choir came down the aisle by candlelight, singing their welcome song ?Torches, torches!? And finally, we all sang ?On Christmas night all Christians sing? as Mary, Joseph and the choir gathered round the crib.

Outside Twiglet was waiting to give his own special greeting to all the children.

A big ?thank-you? to Kathie Burgess, our Children?s Hour leader, who wrote and directed this special Christmas service and to Twiglet for allowing his owner, Marion Kuit, to bring him.