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St.Mary The Virgin Ewell Parish Church

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Vicar's 40th celebrations
Earthly Food and Fellowship

Clergy at Vicar's 40th

The Christian religion teaches us to combine the spiritual and the worldly. It was therefore appropriate that after a memorable Eucharist to mark the Vicar?s forty years of priesthood, the celebrations should continue with earthly food, drink and rejoicing.

This second part started in church after the service with drinks and elegant canap?s while the messages of congratulations to the Vicar from the Archbishop, Bishops and others were read out by Churchwardens Gilda Everson and David Dance. The celebrations then moved to the church hall where a splendid luncheon was provided for the Vicar, his family and guests, and members of the congregation who applied for tickets in time. This event was very well organised by the Social Committee, chaired by Jean Parmiter.

Lest there should be any remaining uncertainty about Canon Richard?s origins, the Hall was dominated by a large Welsh flag, and there were smaller flags among the red flowers on the tables; the Vicar?s table included a red dahlia called the Bishop of Llandaff as a reminder of his ordination. The meal was beautifully prepared by Valerie Smither and her cheerful band of assistants; Valerie herself wore an apron with the proud statement ? "Every day when I wake I thank God that I was born Welsh". The choice of salmon, ham or chicken with appropriate salads and potatoes was followed by a mouth-watering selection of desserts made by the ladies of the parish.

As with the fortieth anniversary celebrations for Reg Saunders' Readership in February, the Master of Ceremonies for this occasion was Bob Hughes. A highlight of the day was his rendition of Alan Bennett?s inimitable sermon on the text from Genesis "Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man and I am a smooth man." Bob?s delivery and intonation were perfect and the audience was very appreciative, not least the Vicar.

Tributes were paid to the Vicar by Reg Saunders as Reader and by Norman Hale as the voice of the laity from the West End. Reg stressed Canon Richard?s theological learning, his care in preparing church services of all kinds, his musical talents, and his valued innovations such as the Weekly Notes (which Reg suggested should be renamed the Strongly Notes!). Norman referred to the Vicar?s learned sermons, his work for the wider Anglican Church, especially in the English General Synod, and his devotion over forty years to the Blessed Sacrament. The two then in unison proposed the health of "Canon Richard, Our Friend, Our Priest, Vicar of Ewell" which was warmly endorsed by all.

Presentation to the Vicar There followed presentations by the Churchwardens to the Vicar; a large card contained a photographic montage of all the churches with which he had been associated (painstakingly prepared without his knowledge); a picture of the Vicar drawn by Bob Hughes who had done similarly for Reg Saunders earlier in the year; and a cheque. The Vicar ? resplendent in his Canon?s white cassock with a very large number of red buttons down the front ? responded appropriately to bring to a close a memorable week for him and a memorable day for St Mary?s.

Incredibly, it was now five o?clock pm. (or 17.00 if the Vicar insists) and as we drifted out into the very warm summer sun we thought with gratitude of all who had made the special day ? both in Church and in Hall ? possible. Our thanks are particularly due to the Churchwardens who did so much to plan the arrangements and to carry them through, and of course to Canon Richard ? for without his forty years of dedicated priesthood there would have been nothing to commemorate and celebrate.


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