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Garden Party
Saturday, 8 September 2007

Salut at the Garden Party!

A scene that could have come from an earlier and more graceful period delighted the eye on 8 September when a Garden Party was held in Ewell Downs Road. There was the gentle hum of laughter and conversation from ladies and gentleman suitably attired for the occasion. Even the sun behaved itself, breaking through the grey clouds that had hovered most of the week, to smile down on the scene.

Guests were welcomed with a glass of ?Pimms? or fruit punch as they descended into a garden decked with chairs, tables, parasols and gazebos. The choir sang some suitable and restful music as tea was served. Cucumber sandwiches followed by homemade scones with strawberry jam and clotted Devon cream titillated the palate.

We are greatly indebted to Rosemary, Mike and family for allowing us the use of their garden (and house), as well as the choir for giving up their time and entertaining us so well. Thanks also go to that unsung band of helpers who set up and clear away, as well as cooks and servers.

Can we do it again next year?


Garden Party 2007
Garden Party 2007
Garden Party 2007
Garden Party 2007
Garden Party 2007
Garden Party 2007