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Love is a Many Splendoured Thing
Sunday, 11 February 2007

Choral Mattins at Valentine-tide (on 11 February) concluded with a spine tingling moment for many married couples with the playing of the Wedding March from ?Midsummer Night?s Dream? by Mendelssohn. A congregation of about 100 made up of Mattins regulars and invited couples enjoyed reliving moments from weddings at St Mary?s. Planning for this event started many months earlier when those who had been married at St Mary?s were invited to return and celebrate their special day.

It was good to see so many smiling faces and their pleased reaction to the carefully selected hymns and music. The final hymn ?Love divine, all loves excelling? generated some hearty singing and ?hand holding?. A favourite hymn at weddings, it recaptured for many a magic moment of their own marriage service.

The plan, generated from an idea by David Crick, involved inviting by letter all who had been married in St Mary?s in the last three years, although couples married earlier were welcome to attend. In this latter category Pamela and Eric Ralph who were married at St Mary?s by the Rev. Paul Davis, some 56 years ago, were welcome visitors. (Thanks to Margaret Howard for letting them know!).

The full choir sang beautifully led by Julie Ainscough. The organ, played by Jonathan Holmes, had an opportunity to display its worth. The Vicar delivered a thoughtful and pertinent sermon. After the service there was a chance to catch up with old friends and meet new additions to some of the young families, over a glass of wine and canap? in the church hall. This had been specially decorated in a St Valentine?s theme in pinks and reds with many hearts and flowers. Thanks go to David and Melanie Crick who managed the bar and Jenny Dance for preparing the food.

Comments from those who attended the service were very positive. Is this special service likely to appear in St Mary?s calendar again? I do hope so!