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St.Mary The Virgin Ewell Parish Church

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What's on - Lent 2010

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The Vicar Writes:

Lent begins in February on 17th February, Ash Wednesday, and it is the season of penitence and preparation for the joys of Easter. Lent is worth taking seriously, not least because a proper observance of Lent helps us celebrate the joy of resurrection all the more when Easter morning comes. The forty days of Lent are modelled on the forty days which Jesus spent fasting in the desert at the beginning of his public ministry. "Giving something up" is the popular way of observing Lent, and is something much to be encouraged. Jesus, after all, spoke about "when" we fast, rather than "if" we fast. If you are giving something up, you may (or may not!) want to remember that the forty days of Lent don't include the Sundays, as Sundays are never days of fasting.

There are other ways of observing Lent too. Many people will opt for a regular discipline of prayer: even something very small, done regularly throughout Lent, will be a valuable spiritual preparation for Easter. Many people also give something extra to charity during Lent, and look for opportunities to help their neighbours in acts of service. The Lent charity lunches on Wednesdays in our church hall are one way of doing this. For many Christians, Lent is also the time they usually receive the sacrament of reconciliation, also called confession. This is an opportunity to receive a personal absolution, and is open to everyone, whether it's something you have done before or not. Get in touch with the Vicar if you'd like to know more.

A way of observing Lent which has become popular in recent years is that of using the time for studying some aspect of the faith. Our Lent course is provided with this in mind. This year we will be looking at "What is an Anglican?" Anglicanism is very much in the news at the moment, as debates about who should be able to become a bishop, and the Church of England's relations with other church, are the controversies of the day. I thought that some time spent in learning and discussion about our Anglican heritage seemed very appropriate in these circumstances, as each of us seeks to form our own opinion on these questions. Tuesdays evenings from 23rd February, 8 for 8.15 in the Church Hall, all welcome (you don't have to be a regular at St Mary's to come along). If you can't make the Lent course, or would like something to read on your own, I can recommend either of two books by Timothy Radcliffe: "What is the point of being a Christian?" and "Why go to Church?"

Both are accessible paperbacks that will generate plenty of food for thought.

May God give you the grace to keep a holy season of Lent!

It all starts on Wednesday 17 February
Ash Wednesday: the First Day of Lent

0940 The Litany (Book of Common Prayer text)
1200 Said Eucharist (Common Worship) with Imposition of Ashes
the Liturgy of Penitence and the Imposition of Ashes.


Recital by the Parish Choir
1930 on Saturday, 6 March

John Rutter - "Requiem"


Choral Evensong in Lent

Sunday 7th March at 5.30pm.


Mothering Sunday
14 March

There are usually special arrangements for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Mothering Sunday
All-age service of Christian Praise for Mothering Sunday.
At 11am on 14th March we will hold our usual popular Mothering Sunday service, suitable for all ages.


On Weekdays in Lent

Tuesday 1000 Holy Communion


Tuesday evenings in Lent

Tuesday evenings at 8.15pm in the Church Hall (coffee served from 8pm)
23rd February till 23rd March inclusive
"What is an Anglican?"
Click herefor details.


Lent lunches

These will be held in the Church Hall from 1215 to 1345 on
Wednesday, 3 March
Wednesday, 10 March
Wednesday, 17 March
Wednesday, 24 March
In aid of Jeel al Amal school and house for orphan boys in Bethany. Price: ?3.50. There will be a Raffle and/or Bring-and-Buy. All welcome.


Services in Holy Week

Click here to see what we have to offer.


More information

from the Parish Office.
(Telephone: 020-8393-2643 or E-mail).